What is a Credit Union
When you join a credit union you own a part of the future of the organization
A credit union is the only financial institution that belongs to its members…that is why it is so SPECIAL when you join the FIRST LINCOLN FEDERAL CREDIT UNION (FLFCU)
The idea of credit unions is simple: People should be able to pool their money and make loans to each other. The main principles have always been:
1) only people who are members of a credit union should apply for loans
2) loans are made for prudent or productive purposes and
3) a person's desire to pay (integrity) is considered more important than the ability to pay (income).
Ultimately, members borrow their own money and that of their peers. These principles govern most cooperatives in the world.
Credit unions serve people with the philosophy "once a member, always a member", allowing lifetime membership (as long as your membership is not closed) even if the person leaves the field of membership or location.
FIRST LINCOLN FEDERAL CREDIT UNION is part of the shared branch network, as a member you can access your account at any branch that is also part of the network, especially when you need to go out of town, cannot reach our branch, or you move away!