Certificates & IRAs
For when just a Savings Account won’t do, First Lincoln Federal Credit Union has other rewarding ways for you to invest your money.
Share Certificates
Minimum Balance of $1000.00
Available in Terms from 6 Months to 36 Months
Higher Rate of Interest Than Other Savings Accounts*
Dividends Paid & Compounded Monthly
Dividends May Be Added Back To The Certificate or Deposited into Your Share Savings or Checking Account
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
Investing with an Individual Retirement Account, or IRA, is not only a great way to save for your retirement, but you may get some great tax advantages as well. We have several IRAs from which to choose:
Traditional or Roth IRAs**
IRA Savings or IRA Share Certificates
IRA Savings Account
No Minimum Balance
No Administrative Costs or Fees
Competitive Variable Interest Rate
Multi-Tiered Dividends Paid & Compounded Monthly
IRA Share Certificate
Minimum Balance of $1000.00
No Administrative Costs or Fees
Available in Terms from 6 Months to 36 Months
Higher Rate of Interest Than Other Savings Accounts*
Dividends Paid & Compounded Monthly
**Always talk to your tax adviser to help you determine which IRA is right for you.